World Books and Authors » Exercise – 1
1. Who is the author of the book ‘Nineteen Eighty Four’?
(a) Thomas Hardy
(b) Emile Zola
(c) George Orwell
(d) Walter Scott
2. Who is the author of the book ‘Forbidden Verses’?
(a) Salman RushDie
(b) Abu Nuwas
(c) Ms. Taslima Nasrin
(d) D.H. Lawrence
3. Who wrote the line: ‘ A thing of beauty is a joy forever’?
(a) John Keats
(b) Robert Browing
(c) P.B.Shelley
(d) William Wordsworth
4. Who wrote ‘War and Peace’?
(a) Leo Tolstoy
(b) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Charles Dickens
(d) Kipling
5. ‘The General Happiness is the end of the state’ who said this?
(a) Hegel
(b) Benthem
(c) Plato
(d) Green