One Word Substitution » Notes » One Word Substitution Beginning with D
Here we are providing some most popular one word substitution starting with the letter “D”. In all types of competitive examinations, one word substitution questions are mostly asked. In the table below, some most popular one word substitution starting with the letter “D” have been given, which will definitely help the students in various competitive exam prepation.
S. No. | One Word | Hindi Meaning | English Meaning |
1. | Dandy | बांका | One Who Pays too Much attention to His Cloths and Appearance |
2. | Dead Letter | मृत पत्र | An Unclaimed Letter |
3. | Deaf | बहरा | One Who Cannot Hear |
4. | Debar | प्रवेश न होने देना | Prevent A Person from Admission or A Right |
5. | Debonair | ख़ुशमिज़ाज | Suave (Polished and Light Heart Person) |
6. | Decade | दशक | A Period of Ten Years |
7. | Decanter | कंटर | An original Glass Bottle for Holding Wine or Other Alcoholic Drinks |
8. | Declamation | शब्दपांडित्य | Act or Art of Rhetorical Exercise |
9. | Delegate | प्रतिनिधि | A Person Appointed or Elected to Represent Others |
10. | Demagogue | दुर्जनों का नेता | A Political Leader Who Tries to Stir Up People |
11. | Democracy | जनतंत्र | The orientation of Those Who Favour Government by the People |
12. | Demography | जनसांख्यिकी | Science of Vital and Social Statistics |
13. | Demonstration | प्रदर्शन | Show of force to intimidate |
14. | Den | मांद | The Home of a Large Fierce Wild animal |
15. | Deponent | साक्षी | A Person Who Gives Written Testimony for Use in A Court |
16. | Depreciate | पछताना | Lose in Value |
17. | Dermatologist | त्वचा विशेषज्ञ | A Doctor Who Treats Skin Diseases |
18. | Dermatology | त्वचा विज्ञान | Study of Skin |
19. | Desecrate | अपवित्र करना | To Derive A Thing of Its Holy Character |
20. | Desert | रेगिस्तान | Where Neither Water nor Vegetation is Found |
21. | Detective | जासूसी | One Whose Business is to Find Out Criminals |
22. | Deteriorate | बिगड़ना | Become Worse or Disintegrate |
23. | Dichotomy | विरोधाभास | State of Being Split into Two Parts |
24. | Dictator | तानाशाह | One Who Gives orders in A Manner That Permits No Refusal |
25. | Dictatorship | अधिनायकत्व | Government Carried on by an Absolute Ruler |
26. | Dictionary | शब्दकोश | A Book Dealing with Words in Alphabetical order |
27. | Dieting | परहेज़ | A Small Allowance of Food to Become Slim |
28. | Digestible | सुपाच्य | That Which Can Be Digested |
29. | Dilettante | अनुरागी | A Dabbler in the Arts |
30. | Dipsomania | मद्यासक्ति | Morbid Compulsion of Drink |
31. | Dipsophobia | प्यास का डर | Fear of Thirst |
32. | Dirge | मरसिया | Song Sung at Burial |
33. | Disciple | शिष्य | One Who Works in Return for Being Taught the Trade |
34. | Divisible | भाज्य | That Which Can Be Divided |
35. | Domicile | अधिवास | A Person Living Permanently in A Certain Place |
36. | Dormitory | छात्रावास | The Sleeping Rooms with Several Beds Especially in A College or institution |
37. | Dotage | मतिक्षीणता | Old Age When A Man Behave Like A Fool |
38. | Dower | दहेज | The House of an Arab |
39. | Draw | खींचना | A Game in Which Neither Party Wins |
40. | Drawn | नंगी | A Game That Results Neither in Victory nor in Defeat |
41. | Drawn/ Tie | नंगी / टाई | A Game or Batter in Which Neither Party Wins |
42. | Dray | छकड़ा | A Squirrel’s Home |
43. | Dromomania | भ्रमणोन्माद | Mania for Travel |
44. | Drought | सूखा | Continuous Dry Weather and Lack of Rain and Water |
45. | Drover | चौपायों को बेचनेवाला | One Who Deals in Cattle |
46. | Dumb | गूंगा | One Who Cannot Speak |
47. | Dunce | कुंद | A Person Who is Slow in Learning |
Subject Name : General English |
Posts Name : College Lecturer, School Lecturer, Teacher, Office Assistant, Officer, Clerk |
General English Books |
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