One Word Substitution Beginning with A – English and Hindi

One Word Substitution » Notes » One Word Substitution Beginning with A


Here we are providing some most popular one word substitution starting with the letter “A”. In all types of competitive examinations, one word substitution questions are mostly asked. In the table below, some most popular one word substitution starting with the letter “A” have been given, which will definitely help the students in various competitive exam prepation.

S. No.One WordHindi MeaningEnglish Meaning
1.Abandonत्यागनाTo leave somebody.
2.AbattoirकसाईखानाA place where animals are slaughtered for the market.
3.Abbreviationसंक्षिप्तShortening something by omitting parts of it.
4.Abdicateत्यागनाTo give up a throne voluntarily.
5.Abdicationत्यागVoluntary giving up of throne in favour of someone.
6.Ablazeप्रज्वलितBurning quickly and strongly.
7.Abolishसमाप्त करनाDo away with.
8.AboriginesमुलनिवासीThe original inhabitants of a country.
9.Abridgedसंक्षिप्तShortened by condensing or rewriting.
10.Abrogateअभिनिषेध करनाTo do away with rules.
11.Accelerateमें तेजी लाने केMove faster.
12.AccessibleसुलभWhich can be approached.
13.Acclimatizeजलवायु का अभ्यस्त
To accustom oneself in new climate.
14.AccompliceसाथीA partner in crime.
15.Accountableउत्तरदायीResponsible for one’s actions.
16.AcquaintपरिचितMake oneself familiar with a person or a thing.
17.Acquittalदोषमुक्तिThe act of freeing a person from a charge by verdict.
18.ActuaryमुंशीSomeone versed in the interpretation of numerical data.
19.AdhesiveगोंदA substance that can stick or cause sticking.
20.Adolescenceकिशोरावस्थाThe period between the beginning of puberty and adulthood.
21.AdulterationमिलावटTo falsify a thing by admixture or baser ingredients.
22.Aeronautवायु-यान चलानेवालाSomeone who operates an aircraft.
23.Aeronauticsएयरोनॉटिक्सScience of flight of aeroplanes.
24.Aerophobiaऊंचाई का डरFear of height.
25.Aestheteसौन्दर्य-संवेदीOne who professes great sensitivity to the beauty of art and nature.
26.Agendaकार्यसूचीA list of headings of the business to be transacted at a meeting.
27.Aggravateछेड़नाTo increase the gravity of an offence or the intensity of a disease.
28.Aggressorआक्रामकSomeone who attacks.
29.Agliophobiaपीड़ा का डरFear of pain.
30.Agnosticअज्ञेयवाद काA person who claims the existence of god is unknowable.
31.Agoraphobiaभीड़ से डर लगनाFear of open spaces or crowd.
32.AlienविदेशीBelonging to a foreign country.
33.AlienateहटानाArouse hostility or indifference in.
34.Alimonyगुजारा भत्ताAllowance paid to wife on legal separation.
35.AllegoryरूपकA story in which ideas are symbolised as people.
36.Alliterationअनुप्रासCommencement of words with the same letter.
37.AlmanacपंचांगAn annual calender with positions of stars.
38.AltarवेदीA raised place on which offering to a god are made.
39.Altruistपरोपकार के सिद्धांत काA person who loves every body.
40.AltruistपरोपकारीA lover of mankind.
41.AmateurशौकियाA man who does a thing for pleasure and not as a profession.
42.Amaxophobiaकार चलाने का डरFear of riding a car.
43.AmbassadorदूतOne who represents a state in a foreign country.
44.Ambidexterदोनो हाथो से सहज कार्य करने वालाOne who can use either hand with ease.
45.Ambidextrousउभयहस्त,Of a person who can use both hands equally well.
46.Ambiguityअस्पष्टताAn expression or statement that has more than one meaning.
47.Ambivalentउभयभावी, उभयवृत्तिUncertain or unable to decide about what course to follow.
48.Ambulanceएम्बुलेंसA van which is used in transporting wounded or serious patients.
49.Amiableसौम्यOne who is likeable.
50.Amnesiaभूलने की बीमारीPartial or total loss of memory.
51.Amnestyआम माफ़ीA warrant granting release from punishment for an offense.
52.AmphibianउभयचरAnimals which live both on land and sea.
53.Amputateअंग-विच्छेद करनाTo cut off a part of a person’s body which is infected.
54.Anachronismकालभ्रमAn artifact that belongs to another time.
55.AnarchistअराजकतावादीOne, who is out to destroy all governance, law and order.
56.AnarchyअराजकताA state of lawlessness and disorder.
57.AnatomyएनाटॉमीPhysical structure.
58.Androphobiaपुरुषों का भयFear of males.
59.Anglophileआंग्लरागीOne who is fond of english people and their customs.
60.AnniversaryसालगिरहThe yearly return of a date.
61.Annualवार्षिकWhich happens once a year.
62.Anodyneपीड़ा-नाशकMedicine which lessens pain.
63.AnomalyविसंगतिDeviation or departure from common rule of standard.
64.AnonymousगुमनामHaving no known name or identity or known source.
65.AnorexiaअरुचिA prolonged disorder of eating due to loss of appetite
66.AnswerableजवाबदेहCapable of being answered.
67.Antagonistप्रतिपक्षीA person who opposes another.
68.Antedateसमय से पूर्व घटित
Be earlier in time.
69.AnteroomगलियाराRoom leading into a large room.
70.Anthologyपद्य संग्रहA collection of selected literary passages
71.Anthropologistमानवविज्ञानीStudent of the development of the mankind.
72.Anthropologyनृविज्ञानScience of the origins and social relationships of humans.
73.AntidoteमारकA remedy that stops or controls the effects of a poison.
74.AntipathyघृणाStrong dislike or hostility.
75.Antisepticरोगाणु रोधकThoroughly clean and free of disease-causing organisms.
76.AntonymविलोमA word that expresses an opposite meaning.
77.ApathyउदासीनताLack of feeling.
78.Aphasiaबोली बंद होनाLoss of speech.
79.Aphrodisiacकामोत्तेजकThat which stimulates sexual desire.
80.Apostateस्वधर्मत्यागीOne who deserts his religion.
81.Apostleप्रेरितA pioneer of a reform movement.
82.AppreciateसराहनाBe fully aware of.
83.ApprenticeनौसिखियाA person who has just started learning.
84.AquariumमछलीघरA place where fishes are kept.
85.AquaticजलीयAnimals/plants ere which live in water.
86.ArbitratorपंचA person, appointed by two parties to solve a dispute.
87.Archaeologyपुरातत्वThe branch of anthropology that studies prehistoric people.
88.Archaicप्राचीनWords used in ancient time but no longer in general use now.
89.Architectवास्तुकारOne who prepares plans for buildings.
90.ArchivesअभिलेखागारA place where government or public records are kept.
91.Aristocracyशिष्टजन, कुलीनतंत्रGovernment by the nobles.
92.Armisticeयुद्धविरामThe cessation of warfare before a treaty is signed.
93.Arsenalशस्त्रागार, आयुधशाला, हथियारघरA place for ammunition and weapons.
94.Arsonistआगज़नी करने वालाOne who illegally sets fire to property.
95.Asceticतपस्वीOne who is not interested in the pleasures of the world.
96.Assemblageजमावड़ाAn assembly of hearers.
97.AsterतारकStar-shaped flower.
98.Astraphobiaआकाशीय बिजली की कड़क से डरFear of thunder and lightening.
99.Astrologerज्योतिषीA person who studies the influence of heavenly bodies on human beings.
100.AstronomerखगोलविदOne who is skilled in the study of celestial bodies.
101.Atheistनास्तिकA person who does not believe in god.
102.Atychiphobiaअसफल होने का डरFear of failure.
103.Audibleसुनाई देने योग्यSound which can be heard.
104.Audienceदर्शकA number of people listening to a lecture.
105.AudiologyऑडियोलॉजीThe study of hearing, especially hearing defects and their treatment.
106.AuditorआडिटरA qualified accountant who inspects accounting records.
107.Aurist कान का ड़ॉक्टरA specialist with regard to ear.
108.Autobiographyआत्मकथाA life history written by oneself.
109.Autocracyएकतंत्रGovernment by one person.
110.Autocratअनियन्त्रित शासकPerson who rules without consulting the opinion of others.
111.Autographहस्ताक्षरGetting signature of some important person in his handwriting.
113.Autophobiaअकेले रह जाने का डरFear of being alone.
114.Avariceधन का लालचInsatiable desire for wealth.
115.AvariciousलालचीImmoderately desirous of acquiring something.
116.Aviaryपक्षीशालA place where birds are kept.
117.Axiomस्वयंसिद्धA statement which is accepted as true without proof.
Subject Name : General English
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