The President and Vice President » Exercise - 1 4. To whom does the President of India submit his resignation ? (a) Vice-President (b) Chief-Justice (c) Speaker of Lok Sabha (d) Prime Minister
Lok Sabha (The House of the People) » Exercise - 1 5. The Annual Financial Statement is caused to be laid before both Houses of Parliament by the : (a) President (b) Speaker (c) Vice-President (d) Finance Minister
Lok Sabha (The House of the People) » Exercise - 1 4. Which of the following offices have been provided by the Constitution ? 1. Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha 2. Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha 3. Deputy Speaker of Legislature Assembly 4. Deputy Prime Minister Codes : (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) Only 2 (c) 1 and 2 (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
Lok Sabha (The House of the People) » Exercise - 19. To be officially recognised by the speaker of Lok Sabha as an opposition group, a party or coalition of parties must have at least : (a) 50 members (b) 60 members (c) 80 members (d) 1/3rd of total members of the Lok Sabha
Lok Sabha (The House of the People) » Exercise - 18. Representatives of Union Territories in Lok Sabha are chosen by : (a) direct election (b) indirect election (c) nomination (d) All of these