Stability Theory » Exercise - 255. A polar plot crosses the real axis at (-1 + j0) point. The gain margin of the system is : (a) -1˚ (b) 0˚ (c) -180˚ (d) +180˚
Stability Theory » Exercise - 123. Asymptotes can intersect : (a) only on the negative real axis (b) only on the positive real axis (c) any where on the real axis (d) none of these
Stability Theory » Exercise - 263. In q(s)-plane the Nyquist plot is symmetrical about the : (a) imaginary axis (b) real axis (c) origin (d) none of these
Stability Theory » Exercise - 14. The intersection of root locus branches with the imaginary axis can be determined by the use of : (a) nyquist criterion (b) polar plot (c) routh’s criterion (d) none of the above