(a)output to input (b)the Laplace transform of output to the Laplace transform of input (c)the Laplace transform of input to the Laplace transform of output (d)the inverse Laplace transform of output to the inverse Laplace transform of input
Answer : (b)
Explanation : No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss.
Time Domain Analysis » Exercise - 19. The Laplace transform of impulse is : (a) zero (b) one (c) the inverse Laplace transform of G(s)H(s) (d) none of these
Tags: time, domain, analysis, laplace, transform, exercise, inverse, electronics, engineering
Time Domain Analysis » Exercise - 118. The impulse response of a system is : (a) the inverse Laplace transform of its transfer function (b) the inverse Laplace transform of G(s) (c) the inverse Laplace transform of G(s)H (s) (d) none of these
Time Domain Analysis » Exercise - 121. Knowledge of the transfer function of a system is necessary for the calculation of : (a) time constant (b) output for a given input (c) order of the system (d) none of these