52. In order to obtain good gain stability in a negative voltage feedback amplifier (Av = voltage gain without feedback ; mv = feedback fraction), ………….
(a)Av mv = 1 (b)Av mv >> 1 (c)Av mv < 1 (d)none of the above
Answer : (b)
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Amplifiers » Exercise - 136. If voltage gain without feedback and feedback fraction are Av and mv respectively, then gain with negative voltage feedback is ........ (a) Av/(1-Avmv) (b) Av/(1+Avmv) (c) (1+Avmv)/Av (d) (1 + Av mv) Av
Amplifiers » Exercise - 149. The non-linear distortion of an amplifier is D without feedback. The amplifier has an open-loop voltage gain of Av and feedback fraction is mv. With negative voltage feedback, the non-linear distortion will be ....... (a) D (1 + Av mv) (b) D (1 - Av mv) (c) (1 + A m)/D (d) 1 D/(1 + Avmv)
Amplifiers » Exercise - 138. The approximate voltage gain of an amplifier with negative voltage feedback (feedback fraction being mv) is ......... (a) 1/mv (b) mv (c) 1 /(1 + mv) (d) 1 - mv
Amplifiers » Exercise - 145. If the voltage gain of an amplifier without feedback is 20 and with negative voltage feedback it is 12, then feedback fraction is ........ (a) 5/3 (b) 3/5 (c) 1/5 (d) 0.033
Amplifiers » Exercise - 142. If the input impedance of an amplifier is Zin without feedback, then with negative voltage feedback, its value will be ........... (a) Zin/(1+Avmv) (b) Zin (1 + Av mv) (c) (1+Avmv)/Zin (d) Zin (1 - Av mv)