35. Match the items in Group I with items in Group II most suitably
Group I Group II
(P) LED (1) Heavily doped
(Q) Avalanche photo diode (2) Coherent radiation
(R) Tunnel diode (3) Spontaneous emission
(S) LASER (4) Current gain
Opto Electronics » Exercise - 120. Match the items in Group I with items in Group II most suitably Group I Group II (P) LED (1) Heavily doped (Q) Avalanche photo diode (2) Coherent radiation (R) Tunnel diode (3) Spontaneous emission (S) LASER (4) Current gain (a) P-2, Q-1, R-3, S-4 (b) P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1 (c) P-3, Q-4, R-1, S-2…
Tags: group, diode, items, ii, electronics, gain, current, laser, emission, spontaneous
Special Diodes » Exercise - 1 1. A Zener diode : (a) Is a battery under forward biased condition (b) Acts like battery when it breakdowns (c) Is a switch (d) Is a device having barrier potential more than 5V 2. At 25ºC, a Zener diode rates at 2 watts, its power rating at 50ºC will be : (a) Zero watts (b) Less than 1 watt (c) Greater than 2 watts (d) Less than 2 watts 3. Silicon is appreciably employed as a base material compared to germanium while manufacturing Zener diode since : (a) silicon is abundantly available (b) it is costlier (c) it has low current capability (d) it has high temperature capability 4. The capacitance of a varactor diode increases, when the reverse voltage across it is : (a) Decreased (b) Increased (c) Kept constant (d) None of the above 5. The main advantage of a point contact diode is that : (a) The ratio of forward current to reverse current is very high (b) Low input impedance (c) Its cut-in voltage is equal to zero (d) Its reverse resistance is infinite 6. Which one of the following is a Square law device ? (a) Zener diode (b) Crystal diode (c) Tunnel diode (d) Varactor diode 7. Match the given lists. List I…
Special Diodes » Exercise - 16. Which one of the following is a Square law device ? (a) Zener diode (b) Crystal diode (c) Tunnel diode (d) Varactor diode