10. Consider the following statement about The ‘Top five sector’ of the services sector of Indian Economy :
1. Finance and non-finance
2. Telecommunication
3. Computer software and hardware
4. Hospital and diagnostic centres/services
5. construction activities
Which of the services sector given above are included in the ‘Top Five services sector’ of the Indian Economy ?
(a) 1,2,3 and 4 (b) 1,3,4 and 5 (c) 1,2,3and 4 (d) All of these
Answer : (c)
Explanation : No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss.
Services Sector in India Economy » Exercise - 19. Which one of the following countries has the highest percentage share of services sector in the country’s GDP ? (a) China (b) Japan (c) Brazil (d) India
Tags: services, sector, india, economy, exercise, indian
Services Sector in India Economy » Exercise - 12. Which one of the following service oh the Indian Economy has the highest percentage of share in the Services sector export ? (a) Computer software (b) Financial and non-financial (c) Computer hardware (d) Legal consultancy
Tags: services, economy, sector, computer, india, hardware, software, indian, exercise
Services Sector in India Economy » Exercise - 16. In which area is the public sector the most dominate in Indian Economy ? (a) transport (b) Steel production (c) Commercial banking (d) Trade and hotels
Tags: sector, economy, services, india, indian, exercise
Services Sector in India Economy » Exercise - 15. Which one of the following states has the highest share of the Services sector in the gross State Domestic Product in India ? (a) Maharashtra (b) Goa (c) Haryana (d) Tamil Nadu
Tags: services, india, sector, economy, exercise, indian
Services Sector in India Economy » Exercise - 13. Which one oh the following services is included in services sector of India economy ? (a) transport, storage, and communication (b) financing, insurance, real estate, and business services (c) community, social, and personal services (d) all of the above
Tags: services, india, economy, sector, included, exercise, indian