Sessions Sittings and Parliamentary Proceedings » Exercise – 1
1. With reference to the conduct of government business in the Parliament of India, the term “Closure” refers to :
(a) suspension of debate at the termination of a day is sitting of the Parliament
(b) a rule of legislative procedure under which further debate on a motion can be halted
(c) the termination of a Parliamentary session
(d) refusal on the part of the Government to have the opposition look at important documents
2. What is ‘Zero Hour’ ?
(a) When the proposals of the opposition are raised
(b) When matters of utmost importance are raised
(c) Interval between the morning and afternoon sessions
(d) When a Money Bill is introduced in Lok Sabha
3. The Speaker can stop a members of Parliament from speaking and let another member speak. This phenomenon is known as :
(a) decorum
(b) crossing the floor
(c) interpellation
(d) yielding the floor
4. The Parliamentary can legislate on a subject in the state list :
(a) by the wish of the President
(b) if the Rajya Sabha passes such a resolution
(c) under any circumstances
(d) by asking the legislature of the concerned state
5. When a Bill is referred to a joint sitting of both the Houses of Indian Parliament, it has to be passed by :
(a) a simple majority of members present and voting
(b) three-fourth majority of members present and voting
(c) two-third majority of the House
(d) absolute majority of the total membership of the Houses
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