2. If the peak value of the input voltage to a half wave rectifier is 28.28 volts and no filter is use, the maximum dc voltage across the load will be :
(a) 220 V (b) 15 V (c) 9 V (d) 14.14 V
Answer : (c)
Explanation : No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss.
3. A single phase diode bridge rectifier supplies a highly inductive load. The load current can be assumed to be ripple free. The ac supply side current waveform will be :
(a) sinusoidal (b) constant DC (c) square (d) triangular
Answer : (c)
Explanation : No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss.
Rectifiers » Exercise - 111. There is a need of transformer for ........ (a) half-wave rectifier (b) centre-tap full-wave rectifier (c) bridge full-wave rectifier (d) none of the above
Rectifiers » Exercise - 116. The most widely used rectifier is ........... (a) half-wave rectifier (b) centre-tap full-wave rectifier (c) bridge full-wave rectifier (d) none of the above
Rectifiers » Exercise - 125. The most widely used rectifier is ........... (a) half-wave rectifier (b) centre-tap full-wave rectifier (c) bridge full-wave rectifier (d) none of the above
5555555555 49. In a half-wave rectifier, the dc voltage level is ________ the ripple voltage level. (a) smaller than (b) the same as (c) larger than (d) None of the above
Rectifiers » Exercise - 120. There is a need of transformer for ........ (a) half-wave rectifier (b) centre-tap full-wave rectifier (c) bridge full-wave rectifier (d) none of the above