9. A radio frequency signal contains three frequency components, 870 KHz, 875 KHz and 880 KHz. The signal needs to be amplified. The amplifier used should be :
(a) audio frequency amplifier (b) wide band amplifier (c) tuned voltage amplifier (d) push-pull amplifier
Answer : (c)
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Tuned Amplifiers » Exercise - 13. A tuned amplifier is used in …………… applications. (a) Low frequency (b) Audio frequency (c) Radio frequency (d) None of the above
Tuned Amplifiers » Exercise - 110. The Q of a tuned amplifier is generally ……………. (a) Less than 5 (b) Less than 10 (c) More than 10 (d) None of the above
555555555527. A certain amplifier has a bandwidth of 22.5 kHz with a lower cutoff frequency of 600 Hz. What is the value of fcu? (a) 600 Hz (b) 22.5 kHz (c) 23.1 kHz (d) 21.9 kHz
Amplifiers » Exercise - 119. When negative voltage feedback is applied to an amplifier, its voltage gain ............ (a) is increased (b) is reduced (c) remains the same (d) none of the above