(a)The ratio of collector current to emitter current (b)The ratio of collector current to base current (c)The ratio of base current to collector current (d)The ratio of emitter current to collector current
Answer : (b)
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Transistors » Exercise - 1 5. The base current of a transistor is typically : (a) Less than emitter current (b) Greater than emitter current (c) Same as emitter current (d) Equal to the sum of emitter and collector currents
Transistors » Exercise - 1 28. Which is the largest transistor current ? (a) Emitter current (b) Base current (c) Collector current (d) Both Emitter & Collector currents
Transistors » Exercise - 3 121. Which of the following has minimum value for a transistor - (a) Emitter current (b) Base current (c) Collector current (d) None of these
Transistors » Exercise - 2 76. In a transistor if β= 100 and collector current is 10 mA, then IE is ........ (a) 100 mA (b) 100.1 mA (c) 110 mA (d) none of the above