55555555555 Directions : Choose the out of the following words which has same meaning to the given word. 49. IDENTIFY (a) Picture (b) Envision (c) Notice (d) Recognise
Tags: synonyms, directions, choose, meaning, word, general, english
55555555555 Directions : Choose the out of the following words which has same meaning to the given word. 55. ECONOMISE (a) Accumulate (b) Minimise (c) Save (d) Reduce
Tags: synonyms, directions, choose, meaning, word, general, english
55555555555 Directions : Choose the out of the following words which has same meaning to the given word. 45. ADMONITION (a) Warning (b) Pardon (c) Amazement (d) Award
Tags: synonyms, directions, choose, meaning, word, general, english
55555555555 Directions : Choose the out of the following words which has same meaning to the given word. 46. BLUSTER (a) Abuse (b) Tolerate (c) Suffer (d) Threat
Tags: synonyms, directions, choose, meaning, word, general, english
55555555555 Directions : Choose the out of the following words which has same meaning to the given word. 47. ONEROUS (a) Difficult (b) Awesome (c) Burdensome (d) Dutiful
Tags: synonyms, directions, choose, meaning, word, general, english