Feeder Protection – Exercise – 1

Feeder Protection » Exercise – 1

1. A feeder, in a transmission system, feeds power to :

(a) distributors
(b) generating stations
(c) service mains
(d) all of the above

Answer : (a)
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2. In a transmission system the feeder supplies power to :

(a) transformer substations
(b) service mains
(c) distributors
(d) Any of the above

Answer : (c)
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3. Feeder is designed mainly from the point of view of :

(a) its current carrying capacity
(b) voltage drop in it
(c) operating voltage
(d) operating frequency

Answer : (a)
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4. If in a d.c. 2-wire feeder, drop per feeder conductor is 2%, transmission efficiency of the feeder is ……………………… percent.

(a) 98
(b) 94
(c) 96
(d) 99

Answer : (c)
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5. The term backlash is associate with :

(a) Servomotors
(b) Induction relays
(c) Gear Trans
(d) Any of the above

Answer : (c)
Explanation : No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss.
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