Energy Resources of India – Exercise – 1

Energy Resources of India » Exercise – 1

1. The source of energy largely used in India is :

(a)  Coal energy
(b)  Solar energy
(c)  Hydro power
(d)  Thermal power

Answer : (a)
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2. Which one among the following is not a source of renewable energy ?

(a) Hydroelectricity
(b) Solar energy
(c) Fuel cell
(d) Wind energy

Answer : (c)
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3. What is the full form of IREDA ?

(a) Indian Restorable Energy Development Agency Limited
(b) Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Limited
(c) Indian Renewable Efficiency Development Agency Limited
(d) Indian Renewable Energy Deployment Agency Limited

Answer : (b)
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4. About 70% of commercial energy used by India is :

(a) Thermal power
(b) Solar energy
(c) Hydro electric power
(d) Tidal energy

Answer : (a)
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5. Tarapur atomic power plant uses :

(a) Enriched and Heavy Water
(b) Natural Uranium and Light Water
(c) Natural Uranium and Heavy Water
(d) Enriched Uranium and Light Water

Answer : (d)
Explanation : No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss.
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