Transistors – Exercise – 1

6. The current gain of a transistor is :

(a) The ratio of collector current to emitter current
(b) The ratio of collector current to base current
(c) The ratio of base current to collector current
(d) The ratio of emitter current to collector current

Answer : (b)
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7. The most commonly used configuration of transistor as switch is :

(a) CB
(b) CC
(c) CE
(d) CB or CC

Answer : (c)
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8. When an N-P-N transistor is used as an amplifier then :

(a) Electrons move from base to collector
(b) Electrons move from emitter to base
(c) Electrons move from collector to base
(d) Holes move from base to emitter

Answer : (a)
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9. The free electrons have ___ in the base region of a transistor.

(a) Short lifeterm
(b) Long lifeterm
(c) No lifeterm at all
(d) Infinite lifeterm

Answer : (a)
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10. In switching application, CE configuration is preferred because :

(a) It requires low voltage
(b) It requires only one power source
(c) Of easier construction
(d) Of negligible reverse saturation current

Answer : (a)
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